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    Project Manager Supervisor

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Coordinate R&D resources to complete the complete project delivery of key project requirements, design, development, and implementation;

    2. Responsible for the management and control of projects in military industry, finance, government, energy, manufacturing and other industries;

    3. Establish and manage the project manager team, and efficiently complete each delivery project;

    4. Regularly collect user feedback, analyze user needs, and provide timely feedback and improvement on product design;

    Job requirements:

    1.Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science;

    2. Familiar with the project management knowledge system, with practical work experience in large and medium-sized project management;

    3. Excellent planning ability, efficient execution, excellent internal and external communication and coordination skills;

    4. Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability to withstand pressure;

    5. PMP certification is preferred;

    6. Working background in information security is preferred;

    System engineer

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Overall responsible for the system architecture design based on Docker technology and the development of core business functions;

    2. Collaborate with security engineers to integrate security strategies into business systems to build a security defense in depth system;

    3. Responsible for the DevSecOps system construction and planning of the company's products, to ensure efficient team collaboration and operation;

    Job requirements:

    1. Unified recruitment of bachelor degree or above, major in computer science;

    2. More than 5 years of work experience, familiar with computer networks,Linux, and have programming experience such as Shell;

    3. Have actual project experience in software system installation, deployment, upgrade and other systems;

    4. Familiar with the principle, architecture and implementation of Docker, able to solve complex problems at the source level and related improvements;

    5. Have good analysis and problem-solving skills, teamwork spirit and ability to resist pressure, strong sense of responsibility, and swear to never give up if you fail to achieve your goals;

    6. Experience in security system operation and maintenance or development is preferred;

    Senior Architect

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for the design of the core technology architecture of the cloud security product platform, complete the detailed design, and participate in the core code research and development;

    2. Cultivate and improve the ability of the R&D team to build the core technical competitiveness of the team;

    Job requirements:

    1. Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science;

    2. Solid software knowledge structure (operating system, software engineering, design mode, data structure, database system, etc.);

    3. Proficient in Java programming, familiar with object-oriented design;

    4. Proficient in TCP/IP protocol, familiar with HTTP/TLS and other protocols, multi-threading, familiar with common architecture design methods under Linux;

    5. Possess good analysis and problem-solving ability, and be able to independently undertake and control tasks. Strong sense of responsibility, good external communication and teamwork skills, initiative and eager to learn;

    6. Have more than six years of architecture design, and have experience in large-scale system architecture development;

    Senior R&D Engineer

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Cooperate with the team to complete product development tasks;

    2. Improve and optimize the product;

    3. Delve into technology and put forward better ideas and ideas for realization;

    4. Dedication, team spirit, pursuit of self-value realization and team value.

    Job requirements:

    1. Have a good OO thinking and a deep understanding of software engineering concepts; has about 2 years of development experience in .NET and C#;

    2. Solid Java foundation, in-depth understanding of the Java language, proficient in the application of language features, grammatical components, and various data structures; more than 2 years of Java development experience;

    3. Have good algorithm capabilities, able to analyze and solve more complex problems;

    4. Proficient in file and database programming; familiar with network protocol model, familiar with socket-based network programming;

    5. Deeply understand the concepts of synchronization and asynchronous, and be proficient in asynchronous programming; have experience in mainstream frameworks and understand their principles and characteristics, such as spring and hibernate; familiar with some common middleware, such as MQ redis, etc.; be able to use some basic commands of the Linux system.

    Test Engineer

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Perform system and unit testing according to product requirements, including formulating test plans, executing use cases, submitting bugs and tracking, and submitting test reports;

    2. Develop test tools and build automated test frameworks, write automated test scripts, and improve test efficiency;

    3. Functional and non-functional testing, product performance, pressure and stability testing, able to analyze bottlenecks and make optimization suggestions;

    4. Carry out the construction of continuous integration environment and the construction of access automated testing.

    Job requirements:

    1. More than five years of testing experience; familiar with TCP/IP protocol, HTTP/TLS and other protocols;

    2. Familiar with Linux working environment and common Linux commands, proficient in using Python/Java/shell scripting language;

    3. Proficiency in using automated testing tools such as selenium to develop automated testing frameworks and scripts;

    4. Proficiency in using loadrunner, jmeter and other test tools for performance testing;

    5. Familiar with the use of common configuration management tools and problem management tools, such as SVN, GIT, QC, JIRA, Redmine, etc.

    Key account manager

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for market development, product sales and customer relationship maintenance for target customers, and complete sales tasks assigned by the company;

    2. Responsible for finding key partners in the industry, reaching industry cooperation, promoting demand mining and project implementation;

    3. Responsible for controlling the bidding process and facilitating project transactions to ensure timely payment;

    4. Responsible for tracking changes in customer needs, and timely feedback on important opinions of the market and customers.

    Job requirements:

    1. Full-time bachelor degree or above; more than three years of industry sales work experience (ISV, integrator, IT manufacturer), clear and good historical sales performance, and TOB sales experience;

    2. Good image, clear language expression and thinking logic, optimistic personality; strong self-learning ability, summary ability and problem-solving ability;

    3. Those who have customer resources or good contacts in the financial and carrier industries are preferred; those with sales experience in data security, network security, information security and other products are preferred.

    Sales Manager

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Responsible for market development, product sales and customer relationship maintenance for target customers, and complete sales tasks assigned by the company;

    2. Responsible for finding key partners in the industry, reaching industry cooperation, promoting demand mining and project implementation;

    3. Responsible for controlling the bidding process and facilitating project transactions to ensure timely payment;

    4. Responsible for tracking changes in customer needs, and timely feedback on important opinions of the market and customers;

    Job requirements:

    1. Full-time bachelor degree or above;

    2. More than three years of industry sales work experience (ISV, integrator, IT manufacturer), clear and good historical sales performance, and TO B sales experience;

    3. Good image, clear language expression and thinking logic, optimistic personality; strong self-learning ability, summarizing ability and problem-solving ability;

    4. Those with customer resources or good contacts in the financial and carrier industries are preferred; those with sales experience in data security, network security, information security and other products are preferred.